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                       Shabbat Services

Join us for services at our temporary location:
8400 Beacon Blvd, Ft Myers



All classes and services will be in the

Fellowship Building

Adult Education 9:30am
Sabbath Services 11:00am

Click here to visit us on Facebook!

                         high holy days 

09/28 Motzei Shabbat at 12:00 (Midnight)

10/3 Thursday
11am Services (followed by kiddush lunch)
2pm Tashlikh

10/11 Friday
7:30pm Kol Nidre

10/12 Shabbat
9am Services
12pm Yizkor
6:45pm N'ilah

10/16 Wednesday
6pm Sukkah Decorating 
Ma'ariv 7pm

10/17 Thursday
11am Shakhrit (followed by kiddush lunch)

10/23 Wednesday
5:30pm Mincha

10/24 Thursday

10/24 Thursday
7:30pm Ma'ariv

We are the Congregation of The Way

Fort Myers, Florida

~ We are a friendly and loving congregation ~
Where Everyone Is Welcome!


We invite you, Jewish and Gentile believers alike, to join with us. All Jewish believers in Yeshua our Messiah need to understand the importance of continuing to live a Jewish life and not assimilate away from His Jewish people. We have an eternal Covenant with G-d that goes back to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. G-d has a purpose for the Nation of Israel, and this covenant relationship is eternal ~B’resheet (Genesis) 17:1-8.


Everyone is welcome to join us at any of our services. Our seating at Aydat HaDerekh is always free and unassigned. Please plan to join us for Kiddish Lunch following our weekly Shabbat services. We are also a great place for fellowship and worship for inter-faith families.

ShalomSWFL, inc. message

Shalom from the President’s Desk,

If you are reading this letter on this website it may be that you are curious about Messianic Judaism, or you are familiar with Messianic Judaism but are curious about Aydat HaDerekh.  Your curiosity fits in with who we are and what we represent.  As a small synagogue I can say that what the members mostly have in common is our belief that Yeshua is Messiah.  We come from diverse backgrounds in our professional lives as well as religious traditions.  With such a mix one may wonder how it all works out.  It works out very well.  Our leadership recognizes the Jewish community in the U.S. is varied including Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, and is often characterized with mixed-marriages; and that our congregation attracts Gentiles from the Christian Church which is also varied i.e. Catholic and the various Protestant denominations.  We consider it imperative that any tradition in our Yeshua -Centered worship services maintain a Jewish form of worship yet avoid an atmosphere of exclusion for anyone.  Warm and gentle teachings emphasizing unity of purpose centered on Yeshua are the goals of Aydat HaDerekh activities.   

We are also blessed to have an extremely knowledgeable Rabbi who happily teaches those who are seeking “What is it all about.”   All our activities as well as the structural building are made possible by our members’ contributions in time and currency.  

If you are interested in learning more about Aydat HaDerekh please continue to explore this website for activities and our worship schedule.  If you decide to pay us a visit there is one thing I can guarantee, you will meet some of the friendliest people in Southwest Florida!


Gary Harrell

Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785